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About Us


Beliefs and Values

We believe

  • that children are born with a natural ability to learn from their surroundings and experiences
  • that all children have the right to a safe, loving and nurturing environment in which to grow and explore the world
  • in the collaboration between children, teachers, parents and community
  • the educator’s job is to support and develop the child’s ability to learn
  • that open and honest communication and dialogue among educators and families is a cornerstone to positive experiences for children
  • that all individuals are unique in their perspective and have the right to share their ideas in a respectful environment
  • that the pre-school creates an organic, dynamic and changing culture in which to navigate and grow

We value each child as a capable individual full of ideas and knowledge.

We would be delighted to show you around any of our Gateway Pre-School locations. Please call 02392 982 360 or email us at contact@gatewaypreschools.org to make an appointment.